As long as a single one of us stands, we are legion.
After many years of
hoping I will own at least one Raziel figure one day, me and Bazielim collected all nine published figures. With each new one we got, there was an
excitement to be finally able to hold them and pose them to take some
pictures, we wanted to find the remaining. As all the figures are
collected now, I have decided to write the differences between thems
for anybody who would like to own them or just to know their
specifics. Ben Lincoln already wrote his impressions of the figures
found here. Rarity is judged on how likely you are to find one on
ebay, not in comparison to figures from other franchises.
Rarity ratings:
*: Common
**: Uncommon
***: Semi-rare
****: Very rare
*****: Extremely rare
Height: 22cm
Reaver length:
throne, Soul Reaver, purple bolts
Packaging: Box
(first series) or blister pack (second series)
Overall Rating:
6/10 - Most accurate Kain figure you can get
BBI Kain was based on
Kain as seen in SR1 intro and is very accurate in many regards. He is
made out of a durable plastic and has lots of joints. Both his legs
and arms have 4 joints each and the head and torso can also be
rotated. His left hand is in permanent clutching position to hold the
Reaver and his left hand is semi-opened. Kain´s face has a big angry
grin, which is a bit over the top. Kain is also wearing Vorador´s
earring, which looks like the incarnation from Blood Omen and is
blue. His hair is plastic and sticking out in the lower middle part,
as if blown by the wind and held together by a golden band at the
end. The scar on his chest is present, but vaguely visible. The cape
seems a bit short and is bearing the early double prolonged Razielim
symbol as seen on one of his concept art and early model. The boots
are especially well done, with lots of tiny details and the correct
colour scheme. However, his toes are unnaturaly prolonged for some
reason, but at least he has gaiters at the bottom of the feet, which
hold the open boots in place.
Kain can be stood up on
his throne with the Balance Pillar behind him (though it is torn off
too early, so no symbol) and the purple bolts can either be attached
to his hands or the throne. They fall easily out of the throne stand
though, so be careful.
The Soul Reaver is made
out of a very light material. The blade itself curves nicely, but it
does not have any details on the surface, is missing the greenish
tint in the middle and the middle line is not black like it should
be. The fangs are incorrectly fused to the beginning of the blade,
while they should be protruding outwards instead. The nose has a bit
thicker opening than it should. The crossguards have stripes only on
one side.
Note: The box is
incorrectly labeled and contains pictures from the Raziel BBI figure.
Kain standing on his throne.
Razielim symbol on his cape
BBI Raziel
Rarity: *
Height: 20 cm
Staff length: 21cm
Underworld stand, Razielim staff, torch, souls, removable cowl
Packaging: Box
(first series) or blister pack (second series)
Overall Rating: 7/10
- Affordable and accurate figure which can be commonly found
This version of Raziel
was modelled directly after the Raziel renders as seen in the SR1
intro. It is the most accurate version of him in that regard. His
skin colour and overall bones and muscle structure are very precise
to the render. His arms and legs both have four joints to turn around
but only his upper torso can be rotated (only horizontally though).
Otherwise the quality is on the same level as on BBI Kain with the
joints. His boots are also very detailed and matching colour. The
straps on his hands lack a bit of material detail in comparison to
the NECA Raziels.
Raziel comes equipped
with the staff and a torch, so you can pose him to hold them in his
iconic style or both at once. He has holes in both of his hands to
make holding easier and his right thumb is posable. Holes in his feet
make it possible to insert him on his Underworld stand firmly. The
souls which come only in the boxed version can be put into the stand.
The biggest minus of
this figure is the hard plastic cowl, which can only be inserted one
way (comes in two parts which fit into each other). Unfortunately, it
causes Raziel to have a fixed look and he is unable to move his head
as a consequence. I´d suggest swapping it out for a cloth one (if
you can sow or just use a substitute). The wings (claimed to be
„life-like“) are very close to the original render, look good and
are made out of soft rubber. However, they are very loosely attached
to Raziel and can easily fall out. I´d recommend glueing them into
the holes on his back so you can do some cool poses with him.
Note: The blister
pack does not come with either the stand nor the souls.
The yellow bits are the souls
Wings detail.
No cowl on.
BBI Lieutenant
Height: 20cm
Sword length:
Wing length:
Removable wings, sword
Blister pack
Rating: 9/10, Very
accurate face detail, must own for vampire Raziel fans
Raziel figure is one of the best LOK figures. He has high quality
detachable wings and a cloth cape with Razielim symbols. He is
accurate in terms of his armor (except that the knee pads should be
silver, not golden, and his fingers should be red not white), but
other than that his face looks similar to the render FMV. He carries
a sword adorned with runes which was specifically designed for this
figure. This figure seems to be based on the concept art of Lt.
Raziel, which explains the inclusion of his nipple and right shoulder
pad being slanted.
Note: Despite what
the picture on the back of the packaging shows, this figure does not
come with a scythe and shield. It seems that was part of the
prototype which did not make it into production as a boxed version
was never released and a more economic blister pack was mass produced
BBI Spectral Raziel
Limited Edition
Height: 20cm
Reaver length:
Underworld stand, wraithblade and a coil, set of hands casting the
Fire Glyph, Melchahim staff
Limited edition box
Overall Rating:
8/10 - Extremely rare figure with unique accessories
The limited BBI Raziel
was sold during Comic Con 2003 and only 3000 were made, so if you own
one, consider yourself very lucky. The figure itself is nearly
identical to the regular release of BBI Raziel, except that his claws
are brown colour, not white, and his cowl is in the soul sucking
revealing pose. Unlike the regular BBI version, however, it has some
really cool looking accessories. You can swap out Raziel´s hands for
the ones „holding“ the flames of the Fire Glyph, which does look
really good. There is also a green wraithblade included, which does
look like the in-game one but is being held like a saber. It even has
the coil on Raziel´s arms, with one end being able to be attached to
Raziel´s thumb. The last accessory is a very accurate looking
Melchahim staff, which is much more sturdier and heavier than the
Razielim staff found in the regular version. The wings are a bit more
stiffer and thicker than the normal BBI Raziel and it comes with an
Underworld stand as well.
Note: This is the
only Raziel figure which does not come with a torch.
Fire Glyph!
NECA Material Plane
Rarity: ***
Height: 18cm
Reaver length:
Material wraithblade and coil, torch, replacable hands
Blister pack
Overall Rating:
7/10 - Good, exceptionally done cowl!
This figure is a
mixture of Soul Reaver 2/Defiance Raziel. It features a very well
done cowl which can be removed by popping his head off. For some
reason, the head does not pop back into the neck joint though and
frequently falls off, which makes posing him difficult. He has some
strange white highlights on his legs and pelvis and was given white
toes nails which should not be there either. The wings on his back
are attached via a ball joint which makes it easier to pose than BBI
Raziel, however, when they are down, they must overlap each other
(like bee´s wings). I am not a big fan of the material he is made
out of as it feels too rough on touch. The wraithblade is attached on
to his finger and is made out of bendable rubber material (you have
to be careful not to lean it too much otherwise it might stay bent).
The figure has replacable hands – one set with movable fingers with
holes in them for attaching the torch and the other pair is static
for attaching the Reaver. Overall, however, it is a nicely done
figure and very articulate.

NECA Spectral Plane
Height: 18cm
Reaver length:
Rarity: ****
Spectral wraithblade and a coil, torch, replacable hands
Blister pack
Overall Rating:
10/10 - Must own! The see-through plastic material is top-notch
You might have expected
that the spectral version of the NECA Raziel would mostly be the
same, but this is not the case. He is made out of entirely different
half see-through material which adds a really nice effect (including
the wings), especially when posed against the sun. The material is
nice and soft to touch as well. The figure is tinted green to
represent the spectral realm and his cowl comes in a stretched
position for soul devouring. The torch is half see-through as well,
though they forgot the flame should be blue, not orange/red. The
Reaver comes in green and is basically the same as the material
version. His head does not pop off this time, which is really good
and you can easily pose him into quite a lot of positions. Possibly
the best Raziel figure you can get.
Rarity: *
Height: 18 cm
Reaver length:
20 cm
removable right hand holding lightning bolts, Soul Reaver
Blister pack
Overall Rating:
4/10 - The worst out of the released LOK figures, but worth it if you
are trying to collect them all
One of the most common
found figures along with BBI Raziel is NECA Kain. Labeled as „the
good (Lara), the bad (Hitman) and the ugly (Kain)“ in the slogan of
the first NECA Player Select series figures, he surely fits within
this description. The figures was based on the in-game Kain from
Defiance and was painted in the same colours as the 3D Kain model.
First thing which stands out is that he is green, while he should be
golden yellow instead. The second thing is his face has a very over
the top grin, which I assume was a try to mimic one of the official
posters for Defiance. However, it does not make him look menacing,
but rather goofy and the prolonged ear/crown pieces give him almost
troll like visage. The figure does not have many joints (his arms
have joints only on his shoulders) with his legs fixed in place and
overall gives an impression of a statue. The cape is plastic and
shaped to appear to be blowing behind him. Unfortunately, Kain´s
symbol on the cape is upside down and the cape´s size is
overexaggerated. At least the scar placement is correct. His right
hand can be swapped out for a one holding a bolt of lightning. The
left hand is folded in a grip where the Soul Reaver can be inserted
(the cap on top of the hilt must be unscrewed first). The Soul Reaver
itself appears to be very well made, with lots of nice details but
the colouring seems off (the hilt is brown instead of being golden
and is too long) and the skull itself is too small.

BBI Dumah
Rarity: ****
Height: 25cm
Weight: 650g
Removable helmet, glowing eyes (requires batteries)
Packaging: Box
Overall Rating:
10/10 - This figure towers high above the others – it´s huge and
very detailed! Get him!
Dumah is indeed grand
in size and weight (not even BBI Kain is his equal in this regard).
This is a pretty hard to find figure, so if you come across one, you
won´t regret buying it. It´s attention to detail is great in every
regard – from the decorated armor plates, shoulder pads and knee
pads (he is missing his clan symbol on the back of his hands,
though). He has quite a few joints too, so is pretty well posable.
The removable helmet uncovers his war painted face and dreadlock like
hair beneath, both details which were impossible to spot on the low
resolution textures of the original 3D model. The hair part includes
the light up eyes and can be removed in order to insert/remove the
batteries. The switch can be set to two modes – lights are
continuously on when holding the button on top of Dumah´s head or
stay on once you press the button until you press it again (better
option for taking pictures). Note that you can´t press the button
while he has the helmet on, you have to remove it first. Due to his
size he does not come with any other accessories or a stand.
Note: His box
differs from the other boxed BBI LOK figures - it´s much taller and
promotes the limited edition Spectral Raziel on its sides.
statue by Studio Oxmox
Rarity: *****
Height: 29cm
Weight: 2kg
Spear, wings
Packaging: Box
Overall Rating: 9/10 - This statue is the rarest one on this
list and usually very pricey, recommended to the hardcore fans!
rare statue is made out of polyresin. The box itself does not state
who is the manufacturer was
but only that it was made in China.
The box features a unique Raziel render with a winged shadow behind
him (found only in German ads) with a cathedral for a background. The
statue comes in with two detached wings which need to be glued into
place and a wooden spear (both very delicate and fragile). Raziel is
standing on a coffin with the Reaver engraving on top of the lid and
has the Soul Reaver logo on one of the sides. The statue itself is
pretty accurate, though Raziel´s skin colour is green and his toes
are too far apart which looks weird. Other than that, details are
very good and it is an excellent addition to anybody´s collection.
The spear must be handled with care so it does not break and the
wings, once glued in, prevent the statue from being transported in
its original box, so bear that in mind. It is unclear as to how many
of these have been produced in total but it is the rarest item on
this list. The
Oxmox website lists the client as Eidos Interactive, Germany and that it
was made by Studio
Oxmox, sculpted
website claims the statue´s retail price was €52,00.

Here are some shots with all the figures compared:
Battle of Kains, who shall succeed?
NECA figure face off
Material plane Raziel vs Spectral plane Raziel
BBI spectral Raziel vs NECA spectral Raziel
We shall test your thesis, Raziel.