The first poll on the Ancient´s Den is closed now, thanks to everybody who voted!
The question was:
What do you think about the new Soul Reaver reboot rumour?
33 people voted as follows:
54% (18) is very excited
18% (6) will play it but think it might ruin the series
12% (4) think they need to end the original story first
15% (5) think the rumour is fake
Seems that the excitment over a new release of LOK game is dominant but ever since the rumour appeared, there have been no news regarding it. I personally think it might only be a fake rumour. This month, I started a new poll question: Have you bought Soul Reaver on GoG yet?
I also updated Lost Chronicle with new info - check the new Characters section on the main page. I covered the backstory of Kain and Raziel during Blood Omen and Soul Reaver, I hope you will enjoy reading it. I also wrote a location for every health upgrade and eldritch energy upgrade pieces in the Soul Reaver game section.
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