Showing posts with label Blood Omen 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood Omen 2. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Blood Omen 2 The Complete OST v2

This is the latest update to the Blood Omen 2, now a complete soundtrack. It features all the available in-game and unreleased tracks (except the remixes found on TLW). I also fixed a few things and uploaded the full playlist on YouTube.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Blood Omen 2 is on Steam

Today, the list of Legacy of Kain games has been updated with Blood Omen 2. Priced at 5,99 euros, now you can complete your Steam collection. Steam also hosts pc manuals which you can view online and download in a pdf form:

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Blood Omen 2 in-game OST

Hello LOK music fans,

it´s been years now since I recorded the BO2 in-game soundtrack for NR, but Tenaya, the owner of NR has been gone all this time, so I decided to upload it on sendspace in the meantime. Tenaya helped me with making the covers for this ost, so if you read this Tenaya, thank you and hopefully you will get online soon. Everybody else, enjoy this latest addition to LOK universe. If you want to listen to the remixed tracks from BO2, you can find it on the Lost Worlds.