Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Soul Reaver soundtrack updates

There are two latest releases - the retail based SR1 OST v8 and the alpha based SR1 OST v8a. The former was missing the Necropolis spectral puzzle track in its original release. I have now included it and fixed several other things as well, one of them being Necropolis spectral starting from the mid section. Both are now being hosted on G-drive for easier and ad free access.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Soul Revenant project update

I apologize for being silent for a few months, but we are back with some new content to show you. Our environmental artist Francesco has  finished the Underworld section of the game and now moved on to modelling the Abyss and the Sanctuary area. These are the current screenshots from the Underworld area (work-in-progress):

 The vortex of souls

Tunnel leading out of the main chamber

In front of the Warp Gate

 The exit to the Underworld

The exit to the Underworld in material realm

Dumahim training chamber

In spectral
On the way to the Sanctuary

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Nosgothic Realm reborn

After many years of waiting, Nosgothic Realm finally got its visual and structural update it needed. The new site was designed from scratch by its owner, Tenaya. She ported over all the fanart and fanfinction and even included a new section for Nosgoth. There are some amusing things to be discovered as well. For starters, I recommend looking at the Blood Omen 2 page.

You might also wonder what happened to the old forums hosted on Yuku. Unfortunately, they have been taken over by CyborReaver and closed to all members for unspecified reasons. Therefore, the current link will take you to the facebook group instead, until Nosgothic Realm will find a suitable host for its new forums.

UPDATE: The new forums are now found here. The old forums are now archived on the old site.