Monday, 12 May 2014

The Undercity and the Priestess

In the last two weeks I was focusing on redoing all of the Undercity and incorporating it into the world of SR. I have used several bits of the existing City architecture and used some of them to built the new Undercity part. I have also applied the released Undercity textures on the new levels to create an authentic feel. I won´t spoil where the entrance to the Undercity is as you have to find it yourself, but I hope you will find the additional area exciting to explore and solve the new puzzles. 

Compare with the original screenshots (source: Arnold Ayala´s blog):

Also, here is the Priestess as she will appear in the game:

Compare with original Priestess sketch (recoloured by me):


  1. Oh my god Raina,i can't believe it,YOU'RE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD (psst,correct me if i'm wrong,but maybe the place location has something to do with the humans? lolz)Oh,and what about the City 10/11?Did you insert those too? By the way,you made a nice resembling model for the Priestess there,your skills are really good,awesome work Raina =DD

    1. Thanks a lot! :D Entrance will not be revelead, but it is not too difficult to find. City 10/11 is already in the game and leads to a bonus area ;)

    2. Oh is that so? Well you really took care of everything i guess,good :D

  2. As a big fan of Legacy of Kain series I must say that it's INCREDIBLE!!!!
    proč píšu anglicky, když ty jsi ze Slovenska? :D
    Musím říct, že se nemůžu dočkat, až to bude hotové, i když to bude určitě spousta a spousta práce. Jednička je můj nejoblíbenější díl. Velice mě těší, že tam chceš dát i to, co v původní hře nebylo. :) Zajímalo by mě, jestli ten remake děláš sama nebo na tom maká určitý počet lidí? Každopádně držím palce, at' se vám to povede. ;)

    1. Ahoj Storm! :D Díky za komentár. Je super mať voľnosť a nadizajnovať tie prostredia č sa do hry nedostali. Budúci týždeň začnem na Turelovom území. SR1 je naj naj aj pre mňa, fantastická hra. No ja robím sama takmer všetko + programátor programuje celú hru a ďalší človek pomáha s drobnosťami (animácie, textúry, atď. ). Cením si tvoju podporu :) Veľká vďaka!

  3. Does the Undercity exist on SR1 ? I didn't play for a couple of years and I don't remember this scene. Maybe I've missed something ?
    And what are your intentions about Soul Revenant ? Is it an updated version of the original game ? :)

    1. Unfortunately, it does not exist in the final game. Only on screenshots from an early build of the game. Yeah, I have an updated certain things like models and textures, but strive to keep it the same mostly while adding the cut content to the best of my ability.
