may have uncovered your past, but you know nothing of it."
last single player entry from the LOK series has been released over a
decade ago and while Square Enix has tried to resurrect the franchise
several times during this time, all of its attempts ended up in vain
in the end (notably Dark Prophecy by Ritual Entertainment, Dead Sun
by Climax, and Nosgoth by Psyonix). We have only discovered recently
about many various pitches offered to the company to either reboot or
continue the franchise, so long dormant. However, despite their best
efforts, all the game pitches have been rejected so far. What will
the future hold for us, LOK fans, still clinging to hope that we will
see an official release one day? Until that day comes (if it ever
does), there is, however, something else, something ancient,
something primal.
is difficult to imagine that it really has been 20 years since the
Soul Reaver (SR1) release. For me, that was the game which
pulled me into all of this. I had no clue about its predecessor,
Blood Omen (BO1), as it apparently wasn't
required to understand SR1 and was still developing my English
vocabulary at the time. In this regard, SR1 has been an invaluable
resource. The reason I mention this is important – SR1 sold the
most copies in the series and has been critically acclaimed by the
public upon its release. However, me and many other fans knew
something was amiss when we discovered that only one of the many
promised elemental Reavers was in the game. The swift cliffhanger
ending also arrived way too soon, just as we started to become
powerful with all the abilities and glyphs collected, only for Kain
to suddenly escape our grasp at the end...
"When I first stole into this chamber, centuries ago, I did
not fathom the true power of knowledge."

the years, vast amounts of footage from the deleted SR1 content has
emerged since, especially in the form of screenshots found in the old magazines. Many of these depict different textures,
areas, bosses and abilities not present in the final release. I had
to find the answers and so I have searched, determined to reveal
more. One day, I have stumbled on a footage from an unknown SR1 beta
build on YouTube. There was a footage from the May beta circulating
around already by that point. The June build was in a more completed
state but still included debug menu/walk on air capabilities and it
was possible to finish the game from beginning to the end. Yet, none
of these builds contained the elusive content which has been cut
from the final game.
By May 1999, the creators have already removed
almost all traces of it from the disc. That was the case until the
most recent discovery, in late 2019. Not one, but three alpha builds
emerged from the depths of the abyss which finally gave us
understanding of all the different iterations Soul Reaver had to go
through before the final release. This article will further elaborate
and analyse these builds as they contain crucial information about
Soul Reaver's somewhat
troubled development.
futures are predestined - Moebius foretold mine a millennium ago.”
alpha reveal brings us back full circle to what Soul Reaver could
have been if its team had enough time to finish the game. The game
was subject to a legal challenge and was first scheduled to release in October, 1998 (May Gamepro 1998 and July OPSM 1998) but in August the release date slipped
back to December. In the end, Soul Reaver hit the shelves in August,
1999, over half a year behind its original release date. I remember
reading reviews of the game at the time, in February 1999, and
wondering why has it been delayed, as some of reviewers already had
full game at their disposal.
the alpha builds from January and February provide an insight that
the game was largely incomplete and was still in a very early stage
of its development. To this date I am unsure how did the OPSM write
their review based on this alpha build alone. The US PSM even
provided a full walkthrough written by one of the employees with
eight glyphs, all the bosses (including Priestess and Turel) and six
Reaver forges to collect. You can imagine the confusion of the
players (myself included) when the released version had none of these
features and only one elemental Reaver made the cut. Myriads of questions arose after the release to which nobody
could find any satisfying answers. Until now.
is a game, is it not? And now, you await my latest move...”

of the recently revealed betas contained a selection of all the movie
rooms, levels which the developers used to enact the visions as seen
at the end of the game in the form of cutscenes. We only had a
limited scope of visibility thanks to the low quality FMVs present on
the disc and this was the very first time we could actually explore
what looked like Kain's
Mountain Retreat, the Pinnacle of the Silenced Cathedral and an
unidentified location where Ariel would willingly sacrifice herself.
the Pinnacle and Ariel's
room where mere made to look like unknown surroundings by reusing
older assets (the Smokestack and Raziel's
clan territory, respectively), Kain's
movie 6 room hinted at something more and every surface was ornately
decorated. However, due to the spot lighting in the room only
illuminating the Kain symbol on the floor in the middle, it was
impossible to see all these murals and hidden details in the
background. It prompted several questions – if this was just one
room of the Retreat, what did the rest of it looked like? Was this
its main gates? Would the final fight with Kain take place here or
elsewhere? Ariel was supposed to manifest at some point and aid
Raziel in his struggle to defeat Kain. Her spirit was consumed to
enhance the Soul Reaver further and Raziel thus gained the Amplified
Reaver, capable of even killing the dark god himself. Not many other
secrets were divulged at the time of this finding, however, and so
the hunt continued.
search finally was unexpectedly successful just last year. Beyond all
hope and against all probability, the alphas that we so much sought
after, were in our possession. Tears of joy and excitement were
almost hard to contain when the news hit us. The amount of effort and
resources required to get this far, however, were almost
insurmountable and not without dead end leads and many difficulties.
When I took my first step into the Undercity, Smokestack and the
Retreat, I finally believed this was all real and not some crazy
dream. I finally understood where did those pre-release screenshots
come from and discovered amazing architectural room designs for
PlayStation standards which ended up all on the cutting floor. It is
a huge shame to see the amount of work which got put into this and
how much sacrifice was required in order to finish the game on time.
These builds will be forever testaments of the great designs the team
had planned but had to instead focus on fixing the bugs and issues
plaguing the game in its early stages.
promises more twists before this drama unfolds completely.”

However, game
development is ruthless and these cuts were made in order to be able
to ship in August. Thanks to the May, Jun and July beta builds, we
are aware that the game only started to work correctly around
June/July. May beta has frequent memory issues, constant crashes and
texture problems. All of these issues had to be solved and subsequent
builds display further progress and stability of the game.
you will find an outline of
each area and the detailed changes found in the alpha builds. These
are also explained in-depth in the Lost Content youtube series and the Alpha Screenshot Comparison article (links will be provided at a later time). The Lost Worlds
also have an extensive coverage of this content together with the
fabled Mama Robotnik, known for his deep analysis of Soul Reaver and the Dark Prophecy. The Legacy of Kain
Fandom also provided updated articles and screenshots which can
be found here. It is time to indulge ourselves in the long lost blood
fountain of knowledge.
The Smokestack
scope of the Lair/Morlock levels is massive and it appears all the
levels are accounted for (23rd Jan lacks Turel's audience
chamber and the cistern). In 16th February build, these
levels are pretty much fully functional and you can activate the
updraft in the main chamber of the smokestack which would have led to
Kain's retreat.
Unfortunately, no cutscene triggers, however, this is more than
enough to confirm the way Turelim territory has been constructed.
What is also surprising is the entrance to the Turelim territory is
in the same place where there is a large door entrance to the
Oracle's cave in the
final version. The entrance to the territory would have likely
required possession and the nearby ledge left of the entrance might
have been the key to grant passage. The Smokestack was towering over
the snowy valley and it even contained a ledge with a doorway leading
to nowhere, possibly an alternate exit.
central room houses an impressive looking orrery mechanism (aptly
named tri-force in its code name – three circles, three pillar
symbols, three fans) and features three transparent windows
overlooking it. No images of the orrery has ever been witnessed
before so you can imagine the shock of finding it. It is fully
animated and its circles will rotate once the puzzle has been solved,
allowing Raziel to constrict the orrery as well. There are also three
closed doors, not counting the doorway Raziel just came into this
area, and they would have unlocked as Raziel constricted each dial
above the orrery.
the only path upwards, there is Lair 1, the main area of Smokestack
with lava floor and giant turbine mechanism with blades in the
middle. This area is positioned directly above the room with orrery.
Three stationary blades served as bridges for Raziel to jump into the
tunnels leading to the additional areas. Turel's
chamber was accessed through Lair 4, a tall room, seen in several
trailer videos and on the back of the CD case with a single Turelim
in the middle of a raised platform. There is a large double door at
the top of this room and a longer tunnel leading to the cistern. The
cistern has a lever located on an unreachable ledge with a Turelim
guarding it where possession skill would have been used.
pressed, Raziel could turn the crank and flood the room. This will
raise the water level and Raziel can now swim through the pipe and
reach Turel's audience
chamber, where likely the cutscene describing it would have taken
place. Raziel would then be interrupted by Turel as he tried to leave
and Raziel would have to lead him to charge large pillars supporting
the ceiling. Once all the pillars have been destroyed, water from the
cistern would pour in onto the unsuspecting Turel. Raziel would then
leave through the large double doors which he could now open with his
amplified telekinetic projectile. This corridor would lead back to
Lair 11 which connects to Lair 4. The connection to Lair 11 hasn't
been finished yet, however, so in these builds it only leads to blank
Raziel progresses towards the last lever, he stumbles upon a
suspended platform over water with what appears to be a cracked wall
near the ceiling. There are several pupating Turelim on the platform,
so Raziel could either sneak past them to avoid being ambushed or
alternatively, he could use his amplified TK on the crack and let in
rays of sunlight which would scorch the Turelim (Daniel ref here).
When all three levers have been activated, doors to the dial rooms
would open. After three dials were constricted and then finally the
orrery itself as well, the blades of the turbine would start to spin,
allowing Raziel to ascend to Kain's
Mountain Retreat.
The Undercity

main room is split into two parts – Undercity 1 and Undercity 22.
Next to the warp gate on the bottom floor level Raziel found the
first flood gate which flooded the main chamber of the Undercity.
This allowed him to swim further up and discover another opening,
accessed via suspended wooden bridge. This room had a large ornate
walls with a cage like structure in the middle. There were also
slanted ramps for Raziel to push the block up to the top and then
drop it down, freezing it in mid air by shifting to spectral. This
has been mentioned in the previews of SR1 a lot but it actually never
made it into the final game. Once in the cage, Raziel could push a
second block off the ledge and wedge it under the floodgate mechanism
and flood the main chamber once again. The last stage of this puzzle
involved a tall temple building with "OIFIC" mural and using
shift at will at various parts in the room to reveal hidden
platforms. Once at the top, Raziel would have to shoot down a block
and use it on the floodgate mechanism. This would flood the
Undercity in full and allowed Raziel to reach the up most area.
the top there was a tall tower with a winding staircase leading into
the Priestess' temple.
The Priestess was supposed to be on the upper level, summoning
Melchahim and other vampires to stop Raziel from climbing the wall.
In the alpha builds, she only spawns at the bottom. There are several
doorways on the base level, which would have opened to release a
vampire to attack Raziel. There was an opening which allowed Raziel
to escape without going all the way back to the warp gate and would
have lead back to the City 9 level through a tower which has been
deleted in the beta and later builds. Screenshot explanation of the
whole puzzle is found here.
Kain's Mountain Retreat
highly decorated half-circular corridor (potentially meant to be a
full circle just like around the Pillars main throne chamber) is
adorned with archways bearing warrior etchings, certainly evoking a
grand feel to this final set of levels. The middle part of the
corridor leads Raziel into Retreat 2, the antechamber to the main
boss room. There are several alcoves with nothing in them which could
point to the suits of armour and other relics that Kain has collected
over the course of the time (link to Daniel here).
Retreat 3, the boss room itself, is not textured, there are several
magazine shots which display a dark blue/white colour scheme, same as
the one seen in the final Chronoplast area in the retail version.
There are stained glass windows around its dome and Kain's
throne is situated above a staircase. The middle section looks like
would have had a lit brazier. It is not clear how the events here
would have progressed and which part of the conversation with Kain
would have taken place here and if the Chronoplast vision of a
courtyard area in the Retreat was connected to these sets of levels
in any way. It is possible that the courtyard was added after
February, but it is not possible to know without further information.
Silenced Cathedral and the Pinnacle
Cathedral is the largest area in the game but even then it leaves an
impression that there was something more planned for it. Thanks to
the deleted dialogue, we knew that Raziel was meant to return here
after killing Kain and open all the sounding pipes, effectively
exterminating all the vampiric life in Nosgoth. However, this could
have played out two ways – according to Daniel Cabuco, there would
be no gameplay after Retreat and the ending would have been done in
an FMV sequence.
the alpha builds also suggest another alternative, a playable option
instead – there are many sounding pipes throughout the Cathedral
and there is even a giant stone valve which suggest Raziel could
control the flow of the air by constricting the valve. These sounding
pipes are found at each level of the cathedral and Raziel would have
presumably been assaulted by an army of Zephonim trying to stop him.
This would have escalated in a visit to Zephon's
chamber and Raziel could then unlock the door behind him with his
Amplified Reaver and reach the top of the Cathedral where presumably
the final pipes would have been opened. Elder God would then
congratulate Raziel on exterminating his own kin. Some time later,
Raziel would have realised this was a big mistake and travel back in
time. It is unclear if Raziel would meet Moebius in the past or
perhaps Mortanius and if the events would have been different than
the ones we have seen in Soul Reaver 2.

Order of the Glyphs

The Reaver Forges
was a much larger role planned for the forges which were eventually
cut from the game. Originally, the basic wraithblade did not have a
finishing move and Raziel had to rely on dispatching vampires by
other means such as staves and torches which he found laying around.
However, Raziel slowly discovered these forges across the land and
they allowed him to imbue his Soul Reaver with many different
elemental powers.
Once imbued, the blade stayed charged with that
element even if Raziel shifted realms, unlike in Soul Reaver 2 and more akin to
Defiance. With a few slashes of the blade, the enemies would then
burst into flames, shatter or completely disintegrate. Thus it was
beneficial for Raziel to seek these enhancements out, even though
they were voluntary, as they removed his dependency on the
environment around him. The released version has an added charge move
and makes the wraithblade capable of killing enemies as long as
Raziel did not get hit. This made it possible to finish the game
without using any other weapon besides the Soul Reaver and it is a
great shame that only the Fire Reaver was spared the cut.
Oracle's cave original placement

Original progress throughout the game
we previously had the cut dialogue available, it was not entirely
clear on how would it all connect together. Additional voice over
lines were added to accommodate the new progress which confused the
matters further. Thanks to the alpha versions, it is possible to
reconstruct the original path that Raziel was supposed to take while
traversing Nosgoth. Raziel would begin his journey in the Underworld,
go past the training area next to the Pillars, where a hidden
underwater gate would take Raziel to the Sunlight Glyph, which he can
access after beating Melchiah.
EG would point him to go to the Cathedral, which without the
wraithblade sounds quite daunting. The Cathedral would have no Reaver
door, only a raised bridge over a moat and a fenced gate requiring
phase through gates ability. This huge level has some minor changes
and much more detail in forms of extra webbed tunnels and pipes.
Zephon's cutscene also
reveals hidden door behind his back, which could only open really
late in the game (potentially after killing Kain). Raziel would then
be directed back to the Pillars, to deal with Kain and obtain the
wraithblade. Note that the wraithblade already had the projectile
ability and a separate ability would have been acquired possibly in
the Sarafan Tomb, just like in the retail version (where Tomb
Guardian is located in Boss 2 room). As the dialogue for the Tomb
Guardian was just a modified version of Raziel's
dialogue with Turel, it is unclear whether Tomb Guardian would be
guarding this area and if he would have spoken.
stop would be the Drowned abbey which had an alternate exit/entrance
in the January build but which got consequently removed in the later
builds, never to be seen again. Dumah's
territory would be reachable with the ability to swim but this wasn't
a dead end like in the released version. The back courtyard with a
constrictable object would eventually lead Raziel up a snowy hill to
the cave entrance of the Oracle's
cave which is more in line of how Kain enters in Blood Omen. The cave
would have led Raziel to the Chronoplast which only consists of one
longer tunnel and then the Chronoplast itself. There was no warp gate
there and no visions at this stage. After the battle, Raziel would
gain the Shift at Will ability and be directed by the Elder God to
re-enter the Undercity. Raziel would have to completely flood it to
reach the tower at the top and get possession from the high Priestess
there. Possession would allow Raziel to traverse the Smokestack area,
where Turel will stand in Raziel's
path. After dispatching him, Raziel would then activate the
smokestack turbine and flew to Kain's
mountain retreat.
order to showcase all this content, the Ancient's Den collaborated
with the Legacy of Kain Fandom and The Lost Worlds to bring you
the brand new LOK Alpha YouTube series – The Lost Content. In this playlist we explain in-depth all that once was and all the
different design changes Soul Reaver during development. Kevin Chatmajo also prepared a video reel of all the animations found in the alpha builds for the Priestess and Turel. AesirHod provided a super useful tool called the Recombobulator. Hope have enjoyed all the newly discovered content from Soul Reaver!
this is a revolution raina , keep it up
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletefantastic stuff :D
ReplyDeletea lot of hard work to put all of this together! outstanding!